GLENDORA---"Journey To Hawaii" will be the theme for the Glendora a Woman's Annual Fashion Show and Luncheon set for Tuesday, March 20. The event will be held in the club's ballroom at 424 N. Glendora Avenue in Glendora, said Fashion Show co-chairs Joy Martau and Carolyn Cunningham.
The social hour will begin at 11a.m., followed by the catered luncheon at noon served by Ritz Catering.
A selection of Spring and summer fashions, along with apparel for vacations and cruises, will be presented at the Fashion Show by Dressbarn, with commentary by Denise Turek, and by Undercovers, with commentary by Carol Gill. Clubmembers will serve as models and will be escorted by the Rev. Luff Johnson, said Helen Storland, model coordinator.
For the event, table centerpieces by Glendora Florist, listed in the program as a platinum sponsor, will feature the Hawaiian theme. Also, special recorded Hawaiian music will be provided by committee member Margaux Viera.
Included at the Fashion Show will be door prizes and drawings for opportunity baskets that are on display, with tickets for sale by committee members, said project chair Rose Myers.
Greeting guests as they arrive and presenting them with leis will be Steven B Flowers, vice president of the Glendora Historical Society. Serving wine to the guests will be Ari Ruiz, representing Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio.
Funds raised from the Annual Fashion Show help support the club's philanthropic activities and community service projects, said Club President Chris Lear. The Woman's Club, organized in 1906, has participated in the community for more than 100 years and is officially recognized as the Founder of the Glendora Public Library in 1912.
To purchase Fashion Show tickets at $40 per person or more information, call 909-598-0554
Included at the Fashion Show will be door prizes and drawings for the opportunity baskets that are on display, with tickets for sale by committee members, said project chair Rose Myers.
Glendora Woman's Club Fashion Show committee members display opportunity tickets-for-drawings they will be selling at the club's Annual Fashion Show set for March 20. This year's theme is "Journey to Hawaii." Members pictured are, from left Gloria Aparicio, Club President Chris Lear, event co-chair Joy Martau, and Pam Drennan