Join us for an upcoming meeting and check out who will be entertaining us after!
Welcome to the Official Website of the
Glendora Woman's Club!
Here at the Glendora Woman's Club we have two simple objectives: To promote the development of cultural interests among our members, and to promote the advancement of civic, philanthropic, and educational needs of our community. We accomplish these objectives while remaining non-political and non-sectarian in order to be fair to the interests of all our members.
Karen Davis (City Council Woman), Chris Ohrmund (Parliamentarian), Carolyn Cunningham and Toni Barrett (co-V.P.s Ways & Means), Gretchen Peterson (V.P. Programs), Pam Drennan (V.P. Membership), Gloria Aparicio (Philanthropy), Kathryn Martin (standing in for Treasurer Connie Halbert), Hellene Spear (Pres. Elect), Sylvia Jimenez (Recording Secretary), Sue Chandler (Asst. Corresponding Secretary), Kathleen Lee (Corresponding Secretary), and in front Marti Mason (President).
The Glendora Woman's Club is proud of the work it has done for the community. Listed below are some of the many philanthropies supported by the Glendora Woman's Club.
​American Veterans
Fairmount Pioneer Cemetery
Glendora Chamber of Commerce
Glendora Coordinating Council-Camperships
Glendora Coordinating Council-Holiday Baskets
Glendora High School Band & Chorale
Glendora High School Scholarships
Glendora Historical Society and Museum
Glendora Public Library
Glendora Rotary Club - Field of Heroes
Guide Dogs for the Blind
Inland Valley Humane Society
Lions Club/California Lions Friends in Sight
Partners of La Fetra
PAWS of War
Provident Place for Special Needs
Shepherd's Pantry
Stray Cat Alliance
U.S. Forestry Service (Pennies for Pines)